I'm an award-winning medical reporter and publish about longevity, nutrition and gut health. Let’s hack your health together. Quick recipes and the health benefits behind it. Follow for longevity lifestyle, Persian food and other delicious recipes.
I'm the inventor of the bubble powered Organic Pool and through my films I'll show you how to save thousands by making your own DIY chemical-free natural swimming pool and help the environment along the way.
My dedication to uphold my deepest convictions has no price. I will never sacrifice the health of my patients for a paycheque, so when I was called by God to pivot, I did so. - Dr. James Thorp, MD
Welcome to my writings on civil liberties, bioethics, public health policy, and society. I regularly post updates here on my legal efforts to oppose government censorship, advocate for transparency from public agencies, and protect medical freedom.
News from Underground is based on my belief that, like journalists, academics have a civic obligation to help keep the people well-informed, so that American democracy might finally work.
Unmasking totalitarianism and awakening the sleeping before tyranny triumphs by examining media narratives, propaganda, psychology, framing, philosophy, history, politics, language, literature, film, music, culture, and health with a focus on COVID.