Thoughts on “‘One Health’ Is A Cult Based On Gaia Worship, Wicca, Neo-Paganism” article.
A response to Patrick Wood on Technocracy News.
Is experiencing the Earth as a living Being in some way just a deceptive “age-old religion associated with paganism, Wicca, and Gaiaism,” covertly revived by globalists who are using it to trick modern humans into New World Order enslavement? Is having a conscious relationship with the Earth a cult perpetuated by technocratic globalists in order to mislead and control us?
Today I read an article by Patrick Wood entitled, ‘One Health’ Is A Cult Based On Gaia Worship, Wicca, Neo-Paganism. I see the original article is also being reposted and discussed on Substack, such as here …
I’ve crossed paths, in somewhat cursory way, with Patricks work numerous times over recent years. As I point out in my response to this particular article, much of it I can relate to, as it mirrors a lot of my own insight and research into the subjects he writes on. But in this instance, I think there’s a deeper perspective missing in his views on this topic. I wrote what ended up being a rather lengthy comment to his article. I figure it might be of value to my readers, so I’m posting it here:
Dear Patrick,
A lot of your published work and the topics you elucidate (at least most, if not all, of what's I've had the chance to view over the years) mirror my own views and research over the past 30+ years. Yet reading this latest article, I am left curious as to how you view the Earth and the role of the human being as a natural part of the Earth?
If the Earth is not a living entity, what is it? A dead and lifeless rock?
Humans having a respectful and conscious relationship with the Earth — one based on reciprocity and cooperation — is the bedrock of human existence. We'd not be here today if our ancestors hadn't lived in balance with nature. Nature doesn't fuck around with those that violate natural order. The relatively recent loss of this level of consciousness in modern humans has been disastrous.
One example: just look at modernity’s outrageous disease statistics. The vast majority of modern human disease is the direct result of our arrogant and deluded dissociation from nature. And then with the same arrogance our mad scientists are inventing "solutions" like genetically modifying humans, with the deranged notion that we will win over our ever increasing scourge of diseases, not by realigning with nature but by further trying to make a false claim of independence. Kind of like the human cancer cells try to declare their independence from the human body. The fact a "scientist" (James Lovelock, etc.) finally cottoned on to this idea of a living earth as though it's a revolutionary concept is a discredit to science (and its woeful lack of basic common sense), not a discredit to the fact humans, pre-modernity, have universally understood their relationship to and dependance upon the Earth.
I neither support nor oppose what is commonly referred to as "paganism," although I acknowledge that many principles and paradigms often associated with "pagan" traditions have, from the ancient past through to present day, been upheld and lived within by all the indigenous cultures with which I am familiar.
The term "pagan" is not one I frequently use because it tends to be understood as describing a single, unified phenomenon, which it is not. The only sense in which I think it does refer to a unified phenomenon is the way in which orthodox Christianity applied it, namely "pagan" refers that which is "non-Christian" or “those who live by non-Christian beliefs”. In a wider religious context, all beliefs not accepted by Christianity, Islam, or Judaism were referred to as "pagan". Over time, this religious connotation of "pagan" has taken on a highly pejorative meaning. In much the same recent decades have seen popular religion change the word “cult” into a pejorative, despite the fact all major world religions began as cults.
I would agree that ideas such as "Gaia" and various flavours of neo-paganism are being used by globalist control-freaks as part of their agenda. Since the 1960s (although one might pin it to some time earlier) there has been a rapidly rising trend of people recognising that the dissociative relationship modern humans have to the Earth is proving to be rather suicidal. This is due to the level of destruction it's wreaking on human well-being and the environment in which we exist and depend on. The technocratic globalists are now using that trend to serve their agenda. Remember, “evil” has no capacity to create. That’s the domain of “God”. Evil instead twists and distorts what already exists.
This tactic of appropriating social movements to win public approval of a nefarious agenda is nothing new. A couple of examples: It happened with the woman's liberation movement, which was appropriated by technocrats to erode the nuclear family (aka. divide and conquer) and to greatly expand the low-wage workforce. It also happened when the baby-boomers (the main group involved in the 1960s liberation movement), were wanting greater freedom from perceived government control. This appropriated (or hijacked) by the globalists to engage in a global privatisation agenda (aka. the ultra-wealthy taking ownership of the commons and public assets). As you likely know, Regan in the US, and Thatcher in the UK, were put in power to spearhead all that socio-political manoeuvre ... namely, using the freedom movement as a way to gain public approval of privatisation, which results in globalists wielding even greater control.
I could go on. But the point is, the fact that evil-minded technocrats have appropriated environmentalism (what you're referring to as Gaianism and neo-paganism) into something that serves their agenda is no indication there's something evil or cultish about recognising the living intelligence of the Earth. I would agree that consensus reality followers within modern society behave like a cult. The madness around Covid-19 proved that loud and clear. But people having a conscious relationship to the planet that sustains them, that's just common sense. At least it was common, up until the last few seconds in the 24-hour timeline of human history analogy. To me it's just another example of those greedy for power, using what they can to win people over. Much like the early Christian church appropriated a great many "pagan" / non-Christian motifs, festivals, etc., in order to win people over to Christianity. It's the same politics of power playing out.
So, to conclude, I don't think the idiots behind "One health" have anything to do with being a Gaia cult. They are a greed and power cult, hellbent on using whatever they can to gain more power—all under the delusional belief they are acting in the best interests of the common good. They are, like always, just appropriating what they can from present day social developments to win public approval of their evil agenda. The whole "climate change" agenda is the greatest present day example of this tactic, of which the appropriating of "living earth" awareness is a part of.
At the end of my “comment” to Patrick I touched on the idea that the “climate change” movement is another example of a development in our cultural awareness being twisted around for nefarious purposes. From my perspective, as people become more aware in their life, we are awakening to how life-degrading our modernity induced self-centredness is. Society is seeing the effects of how modernity has put humans and the earth into plight. Waking up to that is inevitable. The globalist “climate change” agenda is redirecting the attention of these people, and society at large, into something that serves them and their addiction to power. This natural rising in conscious awareness is being twisted into a global movement that does nothing but fulfill the greed and power lust of the globalists. I’ll expound on that in full in another article.
At the end of my "comment" to Patrick, I touched on the idea that the "climate change" movement is another example of a natural development in our cultural awareness being twisted around for nefarious purposes. As our awareness grows, we are recognizing how detrimental and self-centered our modern way of living has become. Society is witnessing the harmful effects that this modern self-centeredness has had, putting both humans and the Earth itself into a state of plight. Waking up to that is inevitable. The globalist "climate change" agenda is redirecting the attention of the people, and society at large, into something that serves them and their addiction to power. This natural rising in conscious awareness is being twisted into a global movement that does nothing but fulfill the greed and power lust of the globalists. I'll expound on that in full in another article.
If you have any constructive comments or thoughts you’d like to share, please do so in the comments.