Perspectives on the "Climate Change" agenda
Is our attention being diverted from meaningful transformation and conscious living?
A friend posted her concerns about the issue of climate change and of people dismissing this issue for a host of reasons.
I was going to post a link to it (as it’s a public post), but the link FB gives me doesn’t work. So this partial screenshot will have to provide the necessary context for what follows:
I felt moved to respond ... and I share that response here, for those who are interested:
Thank you for the thoughtful post. I hear your concern about climate change and environmental collapse/degradation. I share that concern, although perhaps from a different perspective.
My concern with the present "Climate Change agenda" is that it's just that: something that started emerging as an issue of popular concern (roughly in the 80s onwards, although more rarely much earlier than that) and which was then hijacked for an ulterior (corporate & political) agenda. This is a common (as in totally normalized) tactic of those hell-bent on power and control over humanity and the Earth. These agendas always revolve around power-grabbing, land-grabbing, resource grabbing, and implementing more ways to modify human behavior for the benefit of a few, under the false narrative and pretense of being for the benefit of all. It's always a lie.
Aside from that, my greater concern is that the limited public attention span and quota of life force available for focus on things like living more consciously and in harmony with the matrix of Life are being diverted into something most people can actually know very little about. Something that's relatively abstract and intangible to them in their daily lives, which raises their concern while also invoking a sense of powerlessness to really do anything about this topic of concern.
In the process, their attention (and precious life force) is taken away from the many other issues grossly affecting the balance of the matrix of Life. Things that people can very readily do a great deal to change because very intimate aspects of their "lifestyle" are woven into these far more tangible issues.
A few examples:
The massive global pollution happening through pharmaceutical drug production and usage, perpetuated by people believing a totally false and manufactured narrative about their health and well-being. They suffer greatly because of this, as does the Earth.
The significant chemical abuse we inflict on the Earth through a toxic, life-degrading approach to agriculture and "food" production. Our dietary choices directly impact this and the ecology of our own bodies.
The life-threatening human health abuses brought about through the normalization of fake artificial "food" products being mistakenly used (eaten) as food. Correcting this in our daily lives benefits the ecology of the Earth and our bodies.
The endemic issue of microplastics affecting all life on Earth, including humans. These are just four of many issues our personal day-to-day way of living directly and negatively impacts us, our friends and families, and the many other forms of Life we share this Earth with.
The global spread of “forever chemicals” we’ve done almost nothing to avert or to even draw much attention to.
The global spread of synthetic hormones through our use of plastics; and from birth control drugs (during their manufacturing and through them being urinated out of the bodies of those who take them; and, their use in farming; etc.
The issue of very little being done to avert potential disaster from the thousands of spent nuclear fuel rods sitting in containment ponds along site most of the 416 active nuclear reactors on the Earth, all 100% dependant on a constant supply of electricity to keep them cool (so they don't burn up and cause nuclear disaster). Few people know anything about this, yet it presents a far more diabolical risk to life on Earth than climate change.
I could go on … but this will do.
People can directly and relatively easily change these things at a personal level. And they can do it selfishly, meaning for their own benefit, as part of their own awakening into living more consciously as a more spiritually and humanly integrated Being. This will not only directly and dramatically benefit the individual making such changes but will also benefit the Earth and all our relations.
The money and energy being expended on the "climate change" agenda has little if any meaningful impact on restoring balance in the day-to-day lives of ordinary people and, therefore, in the global impact of those people.
One example ... Well-meaning people are investing in electric cars under the false pretense that this is helping the environment. The opposite is true, and in the process, they are expending significant sums of money and debt on something that actually has no immediate, tangible, visceral benefit for them or the matrix of life they are part of. I know many of these people will tell me they can't afford to eat natural, non-toxic, healthy food. It's a strange contradiction.
So, that, in essence, is what I observe playing out through the climate change agenda. Something I realized early in life is this: if any given and somewhat controversial and pertinent topic is broadly covered by the mass media and broadly accepted as "true," the probability is that it's false. Or, more likely, it has small elements of truth within it (enough to appeal to people's sensibility), but it's otherwise mostly being deceptively twisted around (to serve an agenda). For now, we live in a world of the blind leading the blind. So the most imperative task for all human beings is to awaken and do whatever it takes to bring about a legitimate and balanced shift in consciousness. The blind cannot lead those who can see.
What I propose is that people are educated on the hands-on ways they can SELFISHLY SAVE THE EARTH. Among many other educational media productions we're working on, my business partner and I, at Being Human Media, will be releasing a documentary series (and education program) on just that, in the very near future.